Enjoy the small mountain range on the planet |
The world's smallest mountain range is the rest of a volcano and elevation of 600m. Rising to a height of nearly 610 meters from the flat fields in the Central Valley in central California, USA, Sutter Buttes mountain range stark contrast with the surrounding area, in the image due to the astronauts on the station International space (ISS) taken on 29/7.
Pale yellow-brown mountains located in the center of the image is surrounded by rich green fields. The urban area as YBA City, California, is located 18 km to the southeast breaking up with light or dark gray, LiveScience described. Sutter Buttes, which is a volcano, active around 1.6 to 1.4 million years ago in the Renewal (Pleistocene), the American Space Agency (NASA) said. They call it the world's smallest mountain range. The middle core of the Sutter Buttes dome shaped. It is formed by thick lava sprayed onto the surface and then superimposed on the old class. Today, the lava dome creating a hill located in the heart of Sutter Buttes. The shadow of the hill down makes the central area of the mountains in the dark-color images.
Shelf surrounding area is made up of irregular eruptions of lava domes surrounding the core. The "pride", made up of sedimentary rocks older than the lava, between core and shelves. NASA said the scene in the photo looks a bit distorted by cross angle when viewed from the ISS.
Truc Quynh |