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Robot discoloration disguise
A soft-bodied robot that can change color, blend or stand out in the surrounding environment.

Scientists from Harvard University, USA inspired camouflage skill of marine organisms such as transparency of the ink. Like molluscs, new robot body soft and flexible move, the BBC said.


Soft-bodied robot moves by 4 feet - Harvard University

Professor George Whitesides, the team members said that, most of the current research in robotics mainly based on mammals, but his group turned to soft biological research is moving and different camouflage.

Last year, the team was presented in detail in scientific papers on a soft robot can crawl and bend under the obstacles. Then create another layer group for the robot performs the function of camouflage. The ability to change the color of the robot based on the network of thin, attached to the bottom of it. When different colored pumps or hot or cold solution in this class, the robot will change.

According to experts, camouflaged robot can be used in medical or search and rescue, information collection.


Robot can be mixed in the environment - Harvard Photos


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